Department of Nuclear reactors offers Internship and Training in fields related to nuclear reactors, detection, proliferation, nuclear materials, nuclear safety, nuclear security and others. Hands on Internship program is tailored to participant background and needs. Every year, approximately 3 to 5 nuclear engineering internships are hosted by the Department. Internship length vary from few weeks up to one year. Interns have usually background in nuclear, however interns for safeguards are often with non-engineering background, so engineering background is not required.
Areas offered
Areas offered corresponds to our reseach areas described in R&D page. Following list presents examples of areas that hosts interns most often:
- reactor core calculation
- nuclear safety and security/safeguards
- reactor core design
- nuclear material proliferation
- nuclear materials
- detector design
- radiation detection
How to apply
For summer 2025, please contact directly guarantor for topic you like. He or She will reply. Topics that are closed (interns were selected) are marked closed.
Students are usually paid by stipend from home institution, EU or other sources. However, this matter is very individual. For more details, please contact our internship coordinator.
Topic offered
název | anotace | Duration | Contact person | Status |
Application of Neural Networks for the Multiplication Factor Estimation of the VR-1 Reactor | Development and validation of neural network models to estimate the reactor's multiplication factor (k-eff) based on experimental and precalculated data. Applicants are expected to have prior experience with programming neural networks. | 05-09/2025 (can be shorter, but min. 3 months) | Ondřej Huml (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | full |
Macroscopic Cross-Section Preparation and History Effect Evaluation for the APR1000 Core Model | This project focuses on the development of a full-core neutronic and thermal-hydraulics coupled calculation model for the APR1000 reactor. The Serpent2 neutronic calculation code will be used for the preparation of macroscopic cross-sections and the analysis of history effects during nuclear fuel burnup. The resulting model will be valuable for both educational purposes and optimization efforts. Models of the square fuel assembly and core geometry are particularly important in the context of the construction of new nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. | 05-08/2025 (minimum 3 months, with the possibility of extension) | Pavel Suk (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | open |
Core Simulator Startup Sequences Analysis | This project involves the development of methodologies for the physical and engineering startup processes of the Korean APR1000 power plant. The Czech Technical University in Prague has a unique opportunity to operate a real power plant core simulator, CoSi, which was obtained through international cooperation with Korean partners. This APR1000 core simulator plays a key role in the education of future nuclear reactor physicists and power plant staff. Students will develop methodologies for reactivity measurement, control rod calibration, and other measurements important for nuclear power plant operation. Part of the project will focus on simulating these methodologies on the core simulator and analyzing their benefits. | 05-08/2025 (minimum 3 months, with the possibility of extension) | Pavel Suk (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | open |
Characterization of the semi-conductor HPGe detector | The intern should develop the approximate computation model of the HPGe detector and validate it by experiments with ethalon sources. Previous knowledge of the gamma spectrometry and programming/scripting skills are welcome. | 05-09/2025 (can be shorter, but min. 3 months) | Evžen Losa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | open |
Experiments on the VR-2 subcritical reactor: | Reactivity measurements on the subcritical reactor VR-2 and verification of experiments based on SERPENT code simulations | 04-07.2025 | Jan Rataj (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | full |
SMR siting assesment | The SMR positioning has specific challenges and therefore it is necessary to conduct an analysis of external hazards and adjust the requirements. The intern should work on an analysis of sitting requirements related to external hazards. No previous experience needed. | 05-09/2025 (can be shorter, but min. 3 months) | Ondřej Novák This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | full |
Safeguards by RMS | The Department of Nuclear Reactors operates a nuclear reactor and therefore has some storage of nuclear fuel. The intern should try to analyze data available from the radiation monitoring system (RMS) in order to track nuclear material around the facility and analyze the possibility to use it for safeguard activities. | 05-09/2025 (can be shorter, but min. 3 months) | Ondřej Novák This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | full |
Calculation and visualization of characteristics of VR-2 subcritical reactor | Department of nuclear reactors operates subcritical reactor VR-2. Its characteristics are calculated by Monte-Carlo code Serpent 2. The subject of the internship is analysis of the current VR-2 core configuration and study of the subcritical multiplication. The goal is the optimization of neutron multiplication and visualization of results using mesh tallies a other neutron and photon detectors. | 05-09/2024 (can be shorter, but min. 3 months) | Jan Frýbort This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | open |
Technology, instrumentation of the VR-1 reactor and power measurement on the VR-1 reactor | The activity deals with Clasification of systems imporant nuclear to safety, Requirements on research reactors acording to Czech State Office for Nuclear Safety, Qualification of nuclear reactor systems, Neutron flux measurment - chambers, pulse, current, Campell systems, VR-1 reactor and detailed VR-1 Instrumentation, Real measurement on VR-1 reactor (May, June), solving gamma discriminitation. | 04-08/2025 | Martin Kropik (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | full |
Czech Nuclear Power Plants | The activity deals with Classification of systems important to nuclear safety, Neutron flux measurment - chambers, pulse, current, Campell systems, Temperature and Pressure measurement, Qualification of nuclear power plant systems, Dukovany nuclear power plant - technology and instrumentation, Temelin nuclear power plant - technology and instrumentation, visit of powerplants if students will financially participate. | 04-08/2025 | Martin Kropik (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | open |
Fuel performance evaluation of coated ATF cladding using FRACAS-CT code. | Fuel performance evaluation of coated ATF cladding using FRACAS-CT code—Accident-tolerant fuels are new types of nuclear fuels that provide enhanced safety and economics. Fuel performance codes model their behavior during normal operations and accidents. The FRACAS-CT code is an advanced multilayer code developed at KAERI. The internship aims to adopt the code, evaluate fuel behavior, and implement new models. | 4 months in spring/summer 2025 | Martin Ševeček (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) | open |
Post-CHF operation of LWRs - time at temperature limits | Post-CHF operation of LWRs - time at temperature limits - Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio or CRP limits are currently used in LWRs to avoid a so-called billing crisis. However, this approach is too conservative and limits the operational limits of LWRs. New time at temperature limits can be used to replace the current safety basis. The internship will focus on the establishment of these limits. Both modeling and experiments will be included. | 4 months in spring/summer 2025 | Martin Ševeček (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) |
open |
Benchmarking of the VR-1 beam form radial channel | Task for the intern is to prepare draft of the benchmark record describing the beamline of the radial channel according to the SINBAD standards. The internship should include the review of the existing SINBAD database and to establish the concept of the report which then will be filled. Intern then reviews or develops benchmark models of the channel in the Serpent2 code and performs uncertainty analyses and benchmark calculations. Previous knowledge of benchmarking or Serpent code are wellcome. | 05-09/2025 (can be shorter, but min. 3 months) |
Evžen Losa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) |
open |