Přihlašování na 10. ročník konference SMR
Přihlašování na 10. ročník konference SMR je otevřeno. Více včetně programu na https://www.konferencesmr.cz/cz/2025/.
Pozvánka na přednášku Ing. Jana Bartáka, Ph.D.
Srdečně Vás zveme na přednášku Ing. Jana Bartáka, Ph.D. na téma Jaderná energetika ve Francii - vývoj za poslední rok i nové perspektivy. Registraci je nutné provést do 25. 4. 2024 zde.
The VR-2 reactor project has won the Academy of Engineering Award
Experts from the Department of Nuclear Reactors of the Faculty of Nuclear and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague have received another success; this year's award of the Czech Engineering Academy of the Czech Republic for the excellent technical project 2023 was the project Subcrititcal reactor VR-2. The preparation and management of the construction and commissioning of the reactor was done by the team of the Department of Nuclear Reactors (KJR), led by Ing. Jan Rataj Ph.D. and Ing. Filip Fejt, Ph.D.
Inactive testing of the VR-2 reactor successfully completed!
Last week, the last tests of the VR-2 subcritical reactor technology were carried out. These were mainly tests of water management, the control system and other components of the reactor. The next milestone will be obtaining a physical startup test permit. This means testing the VR-2 reactor with nuclear fuel!